Enjoy more time in your outdoor living space without having to endure the harsh effects of the hot sun. Start the morning with breakfast on the deck, then take an afternoon stroke in the pool and take in the sunset after a long day. No matter what time of day, this outdoor market style umbrella with an auto tilt function allows you to tilt the umbrella in various positions to shield you from the sun at various angles.
The wide 9' foot canopy is made with a UV & Mildew resistant Sunbrella fabric making it able to withstand tempermental summer days by the pool. The large canopy will help complete your outdoor dining table; settee; or chaise lounge chairs. This umbrella is wind vented (choose single or double vents) so that it will not easily tilt over during light winds or gentle breezes.
What good is an outdoor umbrella if it doesn't truly protect you? The difference between a lesser or more expensive brand umbrella is typically related to the type of fabric. All Backyard Fun only offers Sunbrella brand because they are a superior fabric. See the chart below for how they compare to other outdoor umbrella fabric brands.
9' Market Style Outdoor Umbrella with Wind Vent Astoria Sunset Key Features
9’ Canopy
5 year fade resistance warranty for Sunbrella brand fabric
Bronze pole and hardware
Easy crank lift
Push-button tilt system
Aluminum ribs and center pole
durable 1.5" pole diameter
Product size (W x H): 108” x 101”
Shipping size (L x W x H): 74" x 6.5" x 6.5”
Shipping weight: 19 lbs
Choice of Sunbrella brand fabric
Light assembly required
1 year warranty on the frame
Includes: Canopy + Frame
Base sold separately
Available Accessories (Not Included)
Powder-coated steel shell
Concrete center
Compatible with freestanding and table umbrellas
Securely holds 7'–9' patio umbrellas
Pole opening diameter: 1.75"
Product dimension (L x W x H): 18” x 18” x 18”
Product weight: 50 lbs
Product packaged weight: 54 lbs